Hello to everyone out there.
Let me introduce this website and myself together with a little story.

There was once a tall tree in a dense jungle. It was the tallest in the whole jungle. All other trees were very jealous of this tree. One day, the woodcutter came to the jungle, and in no time he saw the tallest tree
which suited his needs best and started to cut it down. In the next two days, the tall tree was no longer the tall one, it was not even among the tall trees anymore. It was cut into half.
The tall tree was very sad. He was not able to express his anger and sadness. He started living like a door has been closed on his face. And he was trapped in the small height while still having the soul of a tall tree. That time he cried a lot, he screamed a lot in pain and anger but no one was present to answer to the bam bam sound on his closed door. No one to open the door.
One fine day, years later a little boy came to that jungle with his favourite toy, a flute. He came and sat near the troubled tree and started playing the flute. The music from that flute disturbed the stillness of the pain absorbed by the tree. He could not understand what was happening but he could see the door has been opened. The tree was feeling the music of the boy through his soul. Then it was clear, after some time why that happened. The music was being played by a flute which has been made out of the timber from the troubled tree.
This was the time it became clear to the tree the purpose of his tallness was, so that one day he could help this little boy find his music in this world.
All those years of knocking bam bam on the closed door was because he was destined to bring the benu (flute in Bengali) to this little soul.
This was the journey of BamBam to Benu and this is my journey too. After a lot of bam bam finally I have now in front of me, my benu, so let's get busy making all the music there is to make. Stories are my music, stories are my best friends and stories are my best family to hold me, hug me and humble me down over the years.